May 17, 2003
While the Magi Society focuses the majority of its energy on matters of love and marriage, as readers of our books and this website will know, the principles of Magi Astrology work in a consistent and universal way in other areas of life as well. In fact, studying other types of events can help to further underscore just how reliable the principles of Magi Astrology are.
In the last election cycle, for the elections held on Nov 5, 2002, the Republican Party did very well as we all know. In 2002, 20 GOP and 14 Democrat seats were up for election. The GOP had to win 60% just to break even and stay where they were. The usual rule in a mid-term election is that the party of the President, whichever that is at the time, should lose rather than gain seats. In this case though, just the opposite occurred.
In fact, even by the end of the week prior to the election, almost none of the pundits were expecting the Republicans to do as well as they did. Then something happened. By the Sunday prior to the election, a couple of the television and newspaper pundits who follow politics closely said they had sensed a 'shift' had occurred, though they had absolutely no idea why or what it might be based on.
At the Magi Society, we know that whenever someone or something begins to perform far better than expected, there is one place to look, and one place alone, because the answer is always in the stars.
Just as marriages, and corporations have charts, there is also a chart for each of the political parties. Unfortunately, the precise date when the present day Democratic Party was formed remains elusive. This is because the present day Democratic Party began its life under the title of the Republican-Democratic Party back in the 1790's...and this party went through a few more changes and alterations sometime throughout the early 1800's. Because of this muddy history, there is no historical data to definitively determine the day that the Democratic Party came into being, at least none that we know of presently. (If any of our members have any information which would be especially helpful in determining a crucial date in the formation of the Democratic Party during that period of time, we would like to hear from you).
With the modern day Republican Party though, the history is much more well documented...the date is noted in many history books. The Republican Party was founded on Feb 28, 1854.
Using Magi Astrology, a person looking at the transits to the chart of the Republican Party very near to election day in 2002 could have easily predicted that quite opposite to commonly held wisdom, the Republican Party was going to do very well. Why?
Using Magi Astrology you would have known that the Heliocentric Dimension is every bit as important as the Geocentric Dimension. In this case that would be important, because the most significant transits to the Republican Party's chart were occuring in the Heliocentric Dimension.
Using Magi Astrology you would have known that Chiron is the planet of Cinderellas of all kinds. Only the Magi Society has identified how very powerful and important Chiron is with regard to Recognition, MAGIcal levels of Charisma, putting forward a positive Public Image, being seen as Noteworthy and being thought of as being able to inspire Trust.
Using Magi Astrology you would also have known that symmetrical planetary geometry is the most powerful feature whenever it occurs...and that the very best form of symmetrical planetary geometry is the Grand Trine. Over and over in our books and on this website we have repeated these exact same points, over and over and over again...but we have done more than merely repeat these points...we have repeatedly DEMONSTRATED precisely what we have been saying using real world examples. We have done this because Magi Astrology really does work...and the more that you understand how it works, the more you will be able to harness the power of the stars to help to achieve your dreams.
On the basis of the principles of Magi Astrology that we just reviewed above, you would have been able to look at the chart for the Republican Party and to have known that its trends were going to be very very good. Just think....a month before the election, or two months before the election, even a year or years prior to the election you could have seen that...AND YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN SOMETHING THAT NO POLITICAL PUNDIT WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO KNOW.
Looking at the transits that were due to be active for the Republican Party in Nov of 2002, it is easy to see that Transiting Chiron was going to be in precisely the right position to create multiple Grand Trines, which are the very best, and most powerful form of Symmetrical Planetary Geometry...including more than one Cinderella transit, since Chiron would be trining the Republican Party's Earth/Moon complex, the Party's Venus, the Party's Mars, it's Uranus and all while coming right over its Jupiter!
The Magi Society has written before in our books and on this website that whenever a person, or a company, or a country or anything else, including a political party, has a positive transit from Chiron, that they are likely to be seen in the very best light possible. When a Political Party is a Cinderella, it doesn't get married...or get a good job...or form a company...instead, it wins elections.
Using commonplace astrology, you would never have been able to see this. As we have said...Magi Astrology is remarkably consistent and useful in all sorts of different contexts.
It would not be possible for the Republican Party to do well without many of their individual candidates in each of the states doing well. However that would not mean that every Republican candidate would win...but it would and did mean that more of them, or more than expected, would win.
As the quote from President Kennedy stated, a high tide raises all the boats on the water....so a good 'trend' for the entire Party would be helpful to each of the candidates. This makes sense, because if the Party as a whole was being seen in a favorable light, then more people would be likely to vote for the candidate being forwarded by that Party. It would also be unlikely that the Party would be able to have such a positive trend if this also wasn't a sign that the Party would be more likely to 'have its act together', meaning that it was probably in a good position to be able to help and support as many of its candidates to win as was possible. With such a powerful trend due to hit, it was also likely that the many of the people NOMINATED by the various state parties would have to have a very strong chance to win, because Magi Astrology is consistent. It would not make much sense for the chart of the Party to have a strong trend to do so well if the majority of the candidates in the various states had no real chance to win.
We have indicated this principle of a high tide raising all the boats on the water before with regard to financial markets. As we have written before on this website , prior to the 'bursting' of the economic 'bubble' in 2000, it was possible, using the Principles of Magi Astrology, to see that in 2000 all of the corporations that were Market Leaders in the Nasdaq were reaching a peak in terms of Financial Super Progressions...and since the entire Market tends to follow the leaders [that is after all why they are called the Market Leaders], one could predict that the Nasdaq was itself going to hit a peak...and from that point onward move down. In the same way that reading the trend of 4 or 5 key companies told us something about the trend for all of the companies belonging to the index, so too the trend of the national political party tells us something about the trends for most of the individual candidates.
The most crucial date for any individual candidate is the date that the party confirms the selection of a candidate and formally NOMINATES THE CANDIDATE. The linkages and clashes made from that date to the chart of the individual, as well as the Planetary Geometry of the day itself, are the most reliable indicators of whether or not the person will actually win the office.
With regard to the national elections for President, it is very easy to follow precisely when each candidate is Nominated, because this is done in a very public process, and occurs under the rules of the National Democratic or Republican party. But in cases of races for Senator or Congressman, remember that each state's Democratic or Republican parties have their own by-laws....while one might think that once one 'wins' the Primary one is 'selected' that is not always the case. Often there are further procedures whereby the State Party must 'confirm' the candidate selected in the Primary and formally move to nominate him or her. This can occur on a different timeline in all 50 states. Of course this makes tracking down this information much more difficult and time consuming.
For example, Hilary Clinton was Nominated by the New York State Democratic Party as their candidate for the Senatorial seat in the Nov 2000 election on May 16, 2000...almost 6 months prior to the election...so Hilary didn't even have to go through a primary in order to receive that endorsement. ( There was still voting on primary day, and one man even got himself on the ballot against her, but it had absolutely no impact on the ultimate results.)
If you look at the linkages and clashes to Hilary's chart from that May 16 Nomination Chart , it is clear that Hilary was having very very very good transits...in fact she was having no fewer than 4 Cinderella Transits...and the Cinderella transit of Chiron trine to her Pluto was Trans-dimensional as well!
In the field of politics, we have noted in our books and on this website that Uranus, the planet which symbolizes Popularity and Fame is the most important planet. We have also noted that Pluto, the planet of Power, Competitive Fields , Big Money and Elevated levels of Talent is the second political planet. Chiron of course is key to anyone being recognized, their Public Image, ability to be charismatic and ability to become a Cinderella...so Chiron is as important to recognition and success in Political Fields as it is in the fields of Sports, Entertainment, Big Buisiness etc.
One of the Cinderella Alignments is when Chiron makes a MAGIcal alignment to Pluto. Both Chiron and Pluto are also Financial Planets...so an alignment by those two planets also creates a Super Financial Linkage, or a Golden Linkage. Anyone who follows the news knows that the Democratic Party regards Hilary Clinton as one of their fund raising 'stars' along with her husband...and the more money that one can raise for a political party, the more power one wields within it. Of course, when and if the time comes for her to run for re-election, or to consider running for another office, surely Hilary can also count on the Democratic Party to pitch in mightily financially. It is a Golden Handshake..and it is right there in the stars on the day that they chose her for their candidate.
In fact, the transits from very important midpoints on that Nomination day also make wonderful linkages to Mrs. Clinton's chart at that time...the Super Success Midpoint of Jupiter/Pluto trines Mrs. Clinton's Sun...as does the Super Charisma midpoint of Jupiter/Chiron....the Venus/Pluto midpoint and the Venus/Chiron midpoint. In fact, all of those midpoints ALSO trine Mrs Clinton's Uranus as well. As we have taught before, the transits of the midpoints are just as important and valid as the transits of individual planets...and of course the more powerful midpoints, like the Jupiter/Pluto or Jupiter/Chiron midpoint ( or on the negative end of the spectrum, any of the Saturn midpoints) are the most important.
When a person officially announces that they are going to run for an office, that day's chart, and the linkages and clashes it makes to the person's chart, indicate whether or not the person is most likely to achieve the goal of receiving the nomination.
Then when the person receives the nomination, that day's chart and the linkages and clashes it makes to the person's chart indicate whether or not the person is likely to achieve the goal of winning the office.
Then when that person is sworn in to office, that day's chart and the linkages and clashes it makes to the person's chart indicate how that person's term will proceed.
This is very similar to the astrology of personal relationships. The first day that you meet a person, the Planetary Geometry of that day, and the Linkages and Clashes that are made from that day into your chart, indicate what is most likely to come of the relationship. For example, if there are Cinderella linkages, it is much more possible that you could be led to fall in love with this person. If there are sexual linkages, it is much more possible that you could become sexually involved.
Most often , tracking down the official nomination date of a candidate by a state party is not easy to do. But that does not mean that one cannot then have a very good idea as to what will unfold. Because Magi Astrology is remarkably consistent, ordinarily the TRANSITS that a person is having at the time of the election will give a very reliable indicator as to that person's ability to be successful at that time.
In the United States at this time, remember that most people don't begin to really focus their attention on a political race until the last few weeks before the election....so the transits that a person is having during that period of time will be very important. The transits that any person has on any given day indicate how well they are likely to perform at that time. When an athlete has a particularly helpful transit, he will be more likely to play very well...and when a politician has a particularly helpful transit, they will be more likely to make a good impression, or to speak well depending on the particular transits involved. In the same vein, when we are not having good transits, we are less likely to do well.
Keep in mind that when we are looking for signs in the transits that a candidate is having at any given time, we cannot look in a vacuum. What we are really doing is COMPARING the transits that one is having, which accurately indicate the short term trends that a person is encountering, versus the transits that their opponent is having. Remember, someone is going to win...often voters have to choose 'the lesser of two evils'...and sometimes a person wins not because they are seen as being so sparkling and are so popular...but simply because they are NOT viewed in as negative a light as their opponent. In other words, one candidate's bad transits might be even worse than their opponent's bad transits. It is also important to remember that while a very good long lasting transit can be in the background for a long period of time, those transits that are most exact are the most powerful at any given time. In other words, a transit of Chiron to your Pluto that is going to peak in two months isn't going to help you to completely overpower a stressful transit that is peaking the day after the election. The more exact a transit is, the more powerful it is.
Recall again what we said earlier...the PRIMARY indicator of whether or not a person is likely to be elected to a given office is their NOMINATION chart, when the party formally NOMINATES them as their candidate.
Below you will find a list of six of Senatorial races from this past election cycle. The links will take you to the charts showing each candidate's transits at that time. Though we don't have the nomination charts for these candidates, you will find that by studying the transits and by applying the principles of Magi Astrology, in almost every case it would have been possible to predict the trend that they were most likely to encounter coming into the election.
Johnson vs Thune Landrieu vs Terrell | Sununu vs Shaheen Mondale vs Coleman |
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