Below are the results for the Senate Race in New Hampshire after the Nov 5, 2002 elections
Sununu | 225,506 | 51% |
Shaheen | 206,689 | 47% |
Sometimes, when comparing two competitors transits on a given date, certain features figure so large that it takes little time to have a very good idea which way the race is going to go. This is one of those races.
What is the likelihood that a person will have Chiron transiting, in either dimension, in just the right place to create a GRAND TRINE with two planets in his/her natal chart? Since Chiron has about a 52 year orbit, this can only occur during one period every 52 years. Then add in, what must be the odds that in forming that Grand Trine, Chiron will make a Cinderella Transit to the person's Venus, as well as that person's Uranus to form a Grand Trine custom made, using the symbology of Magi Astrology for someone to be a Cinderella in a field dealing with the Masses ( Uranus) Politics? Just the right transit, just the right planets. At best, most people won't live long enough to see more than two such transit periods in their lifetime...some will only have it occur once! Now add to this the likelihood that this transit will be close and applying just around the time that a person is up for election to the Senate of the United States for the first time?
Again, one of the keys to understanding the most likely trend that John E. Sununu would be encountering at the time of the election is in the HELIOCENTRIC DIMENSION. (We do hope that at this point, both in the examples that we are giving you here, and in the examples which we have used in other areas of our website, that if you do not consider the Heliocentric Dimension, you will most probably be 'asleep at the switch'.)
When we look at John E. Sununu's transits in Heliocentric Longitude, that is just what we find.
A Grand Trine remember is powerful remarkable indicator. Even before looking at Ms. Shaheen's transits, it might be reasonable to think that it will be quite unlikely that she will have such a powerful sign at precisely the same time.
Further, when we look at Mr. Sununu's Declinational Transits during the same period, we also see a Super Transit of Chiron contr-parallel to Mr. Sununu's Jupiter and Venus....a CINDERELLA SUPER TRANSIT. Some of you may also recall that we have written in our books and on our website that one of the symbolisms for the combination of Venus and Jupiter, the two Benefics, is 'the champion or the leader'. The application of Chiron to Mr. Sununu's Venus and Uranus in Heliocentric longitude is becoming so tight and strong, so close into the election...that alone is a sign. To know that he was also having this building Cinderella Super Transit indicated that he was coming into this election fromm a very strong position.
As you will recall, one of the signs that Senator Cleland might face problems centered on his having a Stressful and Turbulent transit from Saturn to Neptune in his chart. Neptune symbolizes financial security ie job security.
Ms. Shaheen didn't have a problem from Saturn to her Neptune...but she did have difficult transits involving Neptune. In fact, for most of the year leading up to the election, Neptune in the Heliocentric sky was opposed to her Earth/Moon, which is usually a time when we may feel 'bewildered' and 'unsure'. Neptune is a very gentle, so it is not as disruptive as a transit from Saturn...but still, this could not be considered 'tailor made' for the time when one is considering leaving the Govenorship of a state to pursue an even higher office. Worse still, as the year progressed, Neptune moved past the transit opposite her Earth/Moon and then proceeded to oppose her Pluto.
Pluto is symbolic of Competitive's nature is also direct, blunt, extremely decisive and purposeful, especially with regard to compeititve fields and one's career, things one can 'profit' at. The stressful and turbulent alignment of Neptune opposed is indicative of a time of being a bit lost in these regards...of 'losing one's edge', feeling unwilling to extend the energy and effort to plow forward competitively. Pluto of course is one of the Political this is worse when one considers what Ms. Shaheen was looking to accomplish at this time.
In Geo Longitude, throughout the year Ms. Shaheen had Neptune opposed to her Saturn and squaring her Chiron...two stressful and turbulent transits...forming an even more stressful and turbulent T-square. The square from Neptune to one's Chiron is considered a HEADWINDS makes getting ahead quite difficult. While this was separating by the time of the election, it certainly was not a good sign for Ms. Shaheen throughout the year as she looked towards making a major change in her life.
By the time of the elections though, worst of all, she had Pluto applying to oppose her Uranus. This would be a LOOPED TRANSIT of Pluto opposed to her Uranus. This is symbolic of lacking the Power ( Pluto) and Energy ( Pluto) and Competitiveness ( Pluto) to win over the Masses ( Uranus).....of being un-profitable ( negative offset of Pluto symbolism) in Uranian fields and politics. It is also indicative of a negative ( negative offset) major beginning or ending (Pluto) and change ( Uranus). Since Uranus and Pluto are the two key POLITICAL PLANETS, this is one of the worst transits that a politician can have other than the strongest Saturn transits.
To add even more to the plate, during much of the race, Ms. Shaheen was working against the very disorienting transit of Chiron in a stress alignment to her Saturn. This is a time when , while one 'feels' right about something, in reality you can be lured into exercising a noteworthy level ( Chiron) of bad judgement ( Saturn)..chasing a rainbow, or worse. Again, this had begun to separate by the time the people were going to the polls to vote, but it had been active through so much of the crucial election season that one can't help but think that this would have very negatively impacted Ms. Shaheen's ability to correctly identify a 'right' course of action. Further, this transit was most probably applying and active at the time that Ms. Shaheen was nominated by the Democratic Party in NH...if it was, of course that would mean that the NOMINATION CHART would natalize a HEARTBREAK CLASH with Ms. Shaheen.
When we focus in even more closely to the day of, and the day or two prior to the election ( remember, many many people are making up their minds at that time), Ms. Shaheen wasn't getting a lot of assistance from the stars. In fact, that period every year is very tricky for Ms. Shaheen. By law the elections usually occur on the first Tuesday of November...but that of course can be any date from the 1st to the 7th depending on what year we are in. For Ms. Shaheen, it is always better if it is closer to the first, because as we move toward the 7th every year, the Earth/Moon moves in to square her Pluto and oppose her Jupiter in Helio Longitude creating a short lived, but still stressful T-square.
If that were not enough, Ms. Shaheen was also having the Stressful and Turbulent Nuclear Transit of Saturn contra-latitude to her Jupiter.
Did she have some good transits...yes ( Chiron was applying to parallel her Jupiter and her Sun in Declination...but it was still a bit wide...and Pluto was appling to parallel her Chiron...but again, because of Pluto's slow movement, this would peak quite a ways off of this date)...and did Mr. Sununu have some difficult transits, yes( Mr. Sununu had a T-square applying to square his Sun and his Chiron!)...but in terms of 'reading the signs' of the brief period of time when the election would happen, the super powerful MAGIcal Grand Trine in Helio at just that time was a sign that he would sail through and he did...considering the very small margins (1 percent or less)in some of the other races, Mr. Sununu won handily by 4 percent over Ms. Shaheen.
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