Below are the results for the Senate Race in Minnesota after the Nov 5, 2002 elections
Mondale | 1,029,982 | 47% |
Coleman | 1,091,253 | 50% |
Following the tragic death of Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone, the incumbent, so near to election day the Minnesota Senate race was thrown into chaos. Because of the power struggle in the Senate between Democrats and Republicans, every race counted. The Democratic Party decided to nominate Former Vice President, Senator, and Presidential Candidate Walter Mondale to stand in Mr. Wellstone's stead, since he would be a well known commmodity to Minnesota voters.
In Helio Latitude, Vice President Mondale's FOCUS ASPECT is his Uranus Chiron parallel...and transiting Jupiter was contra-latitude both, giving him both a Cinderella Transit and a Super Fame/Political Success Transit...Transiting Uranus was parallel to both his Chiron and Uranus as well. These transits are obviously indicative of the immense media exposure that he received...and contributed mightily towards his being able to step into a race just days before an election and still come within 3 percentage points of his opponent.
In Declination, Chiron was trying to creep toward his Venus...but it was too wide to be effective.
The most telling feature of Mr. Mondale's astrology right at the time of the election was the fact that he was moving toward the second pass of a LOOPED STRESSFUL AND TURBULENT NUCLEAR TRANSIT FROM SATURN TO HIS JUPITER, which symbolized the 'loss' (Saturn) of success ( Jupiter). Mr. Mondale also had Saturn separating from the square to his Uranus as well. If that were not enough, Saturn was still hanging about the Stressful and Turbulent contra-parallel to his Sun and applying to his own Saturn, which is another very bad transit. Because his NOMINATION was so close to the time of the election, this means that he natalized BI-LEVEL STRESSFUL AND TURBULENT CLASHES FROM SATURN IN THE NOMINATION CHART TO HIS OWN CHART...including the Nuclear Clash of Saturn and Jupiter, which is one of the two very worst clashes of all.
In fact, even the small transit of Venus looping in opposition to his Chiron underscored that Mr. Mondale might be involved in a bit of an 'impossible dream'.
Mr. Coleman too was having the Nuclear Transit of Saturn contra-parallel to his Jupiter in Declination.. Stressful and Turbulent transits from Saturn often warn of having to contend with troubles coming from situations outside of our control..but on the day of the election, Jupiter was contra-parallel to the Sun in the Declinational sky, and both were aligned to his Chiron, creating a Super Transit to his Chiron, the planet of Cinderellas...a strong indicator that this would be a good day for Mr. Coleman.
Mr. Coleman was also having the applying Cinderella Transit of Jupiter trine his Chiron in Helio Longitude as Mr. Coleman was having a TRANSDIMENSIONAL CINDERELLA TRANSIT. Mr. Coleman also had both leading up to , and at the time of the election itself, extraordinarily helpful transits from Pluto and Uranus to his Sun in Declination, as well as the trine by Pluto to his Natal Pluto...and we also note that Jupiter had just passed over Mr. Coleman's Pluto...all helping him to be sharp, decisive, fierce and competitive. As a grace note, just at the time of the election, Venus was pulling in very quickly to make a LOOPED TRANSIT trine to Mr. Coleman's Uranus, indicating that he would fare well with the Masses at just that time...and he did.
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