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Magi Society Astrology Lessons
for 2nd Year Members

LESSON 10 - by Magi Ken Humke - part 4 of 4


June 1, 2003




If September 11, 2001 was a day that changed America – and the world – forever, it was the day that Al Qaeda took over the world stage and defined itself for the ages.  Al Qaeda destroyed all of its bridges that day along with the Twin Towers, so that there could be no turning back.  Anyone who knows astrology well would naturally expect to see this written in the stars, and the place where one would look for it would be in the transits on that day to Al Qaeda’s birth chart.  Now we finally have that chart, and so we can at long last look behind what was happening outwardly to discern its celestial context and true meaning.


While everyone, and every human-created entity, always has numerous significant transits ongoing that have some effect, it is those within their orb of greatest power that define such a moment as this.  In this instance, it is those in the heliocentric dimension that really tell the tale.  There are five of them that are the most significant, illustrated in the CAC rendering below:











Of these five transits, the one in the most exact orb is the parallel of transiting Jupiter to natal Uranus, which has an orb of 0.00 degrees and culminated the following day.  In a natal chart this aspect is referred to as the Super Fame Aspect, and in transit it is accordingly called the Super Fame Transit.  If you want people to notice you, when you are having this transit is the optimal time to seek their attention, because you will get it, and all transits are at their absolute strongest at their peak, as in this case.  If the world, and most especially the United States, wasn’t paying Al Qaeda the attention they deserved prior to September 11, that problem was most definitively solved on that day – arguably much more definitively than was in their best interest, as we shall see.


The next critical transit to culminate was that of transiting Jupiter to Al Qaeda’s Chiron.  This is a Cinderella, Golden and Golden Touch Transit, and it culminated just a day and a half after the attack, putting this one also at the very pinnacle of its influence.  This type of transit is the very most favorable for the attainment of one’s goals, whatever they are, and Al Qaeda’s desire to strike the United States a devastating blow to the seat of its economic and military power was realized.  However, the downside of such transits is that once they have passed, they no longer actively help you.  In this connection, please note that we have included one transit that had already culminated less than a day and a half previously and had begun to separate.  That is the opposition of transiting Jupiter to Al Qaeda’s Saturn, almost, but not exactly, coincident with the Jupiter conjunction to Chiron, and illustrated by the single broken blue line in the transit CAC rendering above.  The effects of this transit, and the fact that it had just ended, are critical to understanding what kind of turning point this attack would prove to be for Al Qaeda.


As a transit of Jupiter to Saturn, the opposition, even though turbulent, is actually beneficial because Jupiter overpowers Saturn and thereby protects the transited person or other entity from the consequences of their own worst inclinations.  This protection, however, is only effective while the transit remains active, which is to say, while it’s applying.  Moreover, at a turbulent angle this benefit comes at a high price, which is that any endeavor natalized while it is within a three-degree orb, even separating, will form a permanent Nuclear Clash with the chart of the transited person or entity.  And the tighter the orb, the stronger the Nuclear Clash, and consequently the more severe are the attendant adverse effects.  In this case, the orb is 0.12 degrees.  What this illustrates, quite simply, is that while Al Qaeda was successful in its attack on the United States, like Japan and the Pearl Harbor attack, it was only successful enough to start the war, not to finish it.  In this connection, the last two transits that we will address here are most instructive.


Please observe that Saturn in the September 11 chart is applying at a quincunx angle to Al Qaeda’s Neptune (as with the contra-parallel and contra-latitude, all Saturn quincunx transits, interaspects and natal aspects are turbulent).  This transit culminated just less than 19 days later, and the orb in this CAC is 0.70 degrees – tight enough to be very potent, and it is one of those that we call a HAILSTORM TRANSIT. The most unpleasantly explosive hail in question began falling in Afghanistan on the evening of October 7, 2001, and continues to shadow Al Qaeda with the faithfulness of a tin can tied to their collective tail (what was it that we were saying in the Al Qaeda natal analysis about what goes around comes around?). 


This in turn relates to the last of the transits in question, that being the parallel of Saturn to Al Qaeda’s Mars.  This transit continued to apply for nearly 30 ½ days afterwards, yet its orb on September 11 was a mere 0.03 degrees.  It has the effect of both enhancing the transited party’s raw energy while misdirecting it so that it is prone to backfire.  Under this transit one can be impetuous about embarking on ill-considered and ill-timed ventures.  This transit also mirrors the trans-dimensional interaspects of these two planets that both bin Laden and Zawahiri have with Al Qaeda, which serve to enhance the organization’s susceptibility its influence.  Al Qaeda’s opportunity to gain control of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal cited in the section on Osama, as noted there, was blown by the premature attack on the United States.  This transit, along with the above-described Jupiter to Saturn and Saturn to Neptune transits, most certainly helped to trigger this monumental strategic error that unintentionally (on Al Qaeda’s part) spared literally millions of innocent lives. 


Some of you might wonder how Divine Providence could have let the tragic events of September 11 occur. But at the Magi Society, we think we see part of God's plans. The real danger to Christianity and Western Civilization is not Al Qaeda itself but rather what Al Qaeda could do if it ever seized control of Pakistan and its 75 plus nuclear bombs. If there was no attack on the US like the one on September 11, Al Qaeda would have been able to take over Pakistan. After all, Al Qaeda already had control of the Pakistani CIA and had won the battle for the Pakistani public - Bin Laden's face was on posters all over the country. All Al Qaeda needed to do was assassinate Pervez Musharraf and they could have set up an Islamic dictatorship in Pakistan with Bin Laden as the dictator. The United States and the world was asleep and unaware of the threat posed by Al Qaeda. But because of September 11, the US finally awakened to the magnitude of the problems and took the military action needed to disperse Al Qaeda. 


Unfortunately, the battle is not over and the USA and its allies must persevere. The stakes are so high that we must complete what we began. 


(If you look, you will see that God always prepares a way for us to solve a crisis. For example, Musharraf's brother and son lived in the US so he was inclined to help us. And Al Qaeda and the Taliban already had an enemy that was pro-American, the Northern Alliance. How lucky can we get? It was not luck but God planning ahead on our behalf.)  

Click here for the previous article, Ayman al Zawahiri and Al Qaeda.  

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