(On the Main Page of this website, we provided you with links to simple Lessons on Magi Astrology. It is important to understand those simple lessons in order to comprehend the material in this section. If you wish to have even more information about the principles of Magi Astrology, please refer to our books, especially Astrology Really Works! and Magi Astrology: the Key to Success in Love and Money.)

A recent survey tells us that 91 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of General Colin Powell. In fact, Colin Powell has a higher favorable rating than any other American. The Magi Society believes that one of the foundations for General Powell's success and remarkable public image is his fabulous MARRIAGE CHART.

A Marriage Chart is the astrological chart of the date and time of a couple's wedding. Through divine inspiration, the ancient Hebrew prophets learned long ago that by performing a specially designed matrimonial ceremony that included the invocation of God, you would give birth to a new birth chart for the newly married couple. The new chart would be the chart of their marriage and the success or failure of the marriage was actually largely dependent on the astrological strengths or weaknesses of this chart. The early Christians readily adopted the basics of the Hebrew wedding ceremonies and the research of the Magi Society leaves no doubt that the Hebrew prophets were absolutely correct: the astrological chart of the wedding is the most important astrological factor in the outcome of the marriage. In the rest of this section, we will give you some super famous examples of this.

Click here to learn why Colin Powell's marriage chart is so fabulous.

Click here and understand one of the reasons why Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the most successful politician in the history of the United States.

Click here to read about why Napoleon Bonaparte's wedding to Josephine helped him to be the most dominant personage in all of Europe, until they divorced.

Click here and find out the astrological reasons why Sigmund Freud was able to become the Cinderella of psychoanalysis.

Click here and learn how Charles Darwin's wedding chart helped him to become a Cinderella of science.

The conclusion we draw is that even if we do not have a great birth chart, we can still achieve lifelong happiness and enormous success. But our Marriage Chart is crucial in this regard. One of the goals of the Magi Society is to train and teach its members how to pick the best possible wedding dates, and other important dates such as ones to start a new job or business, or buy a house. (The Members Only Section of this website contains some material that helps our members to learn how to do this.)

The Magi Society also has a consulting service, and one of our specialties is we select highly propitious wedding dates that we believe will greatly improve the chances of a happy, lifelong and very successful marriage.

If you would like information about our consulting services, or about how to become a member of the society and about the benefits of membership, please click here and send us an email.

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