We have been discussing the marriages of the children of Queen Elizabeth. Let's now go to the beginning and examine the wedding of Queen Elizabeth herself. All of the children of Elizabeth married someone who was not royalty. Therefore, the spouses of her children became Cinderellas. But Prince Philip was a prince and Elizabeth was a princess when they were married. Perhaps that is why it was Elizabeth had more Cinderella Transits on their wedding day. Below is a CAC showing the Cinderella Transits that Queen Elizabeth had when she married Prince Philip. The planets in black represent the positions of the planets when Elizabeth was born and the planets in red represent the positions of the planets when she married Prince Philip. She had two Cinderella Transits when she was married.

cac of prince philip and queen elizabeth

Although it was Prince Philip who married up, it was the Queen that had more Cinderella Transits. He had only one (as explained later in our link for Princess Anne). She had two of them and they helped to work the magic in their marriage. She later became Queen on June 2, 1953 and was therefore the real Cinderella.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip also have two Cinderella Linkages. Below is the CAC for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Prince Philip was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets when the Queen was born.

transits of queen elizabeth on 11/20/47

As you can see, they have two Cinderella Linkages. Venus and Chiron made them both. The Venus-Chiron combination is extraordinarily powerful and almost magical. That is why we call it the MAGIcal Linkage.

The Queen and husband have been married now for over 50 years. When they got married, royals were not supposed to get divorced. But they probably would not have gotten divorced anyway because they have two Cinderella Linkages, which together indicate a strong love for each other and no Saturn Clashes. In addition, the astrology of their Wedding Chart is very strong. On the day they married, Jupiter was making a MAGIcal angle to the Sun. This is the best possible alignment of planets for a wedding. Their marriage has had to endure some trying times. After all, only two of their children's marriages are still intact and there had actually been talk about dissolving the British monarchy. But they survived it all. A marriage that takes place when Jupiter makes a MAGIcal angle to the Sun almost never breaks. This is an important lesson in Magi Astrology.

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