Poor Fergie (Sarah Ferguson). She only had one Cinderella Transit on 7/23/1986 when she married Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth's second son. Diana had three Cinderella Transits and Sophie had two of them when each of them married one of Prince Andrew's brothers. So Fergie seemed to have gotten shortchanged in Cinderella Transits. Maybe this is why she had to endure public humiliation and ridicule. Remember the toe-sucking picture? Boy! The press sure did not treat her like she was a Cinderella.
But that is what happens when someone meets the bare minimal standards to become a Cinderella. Fergie was not married on a day that had a Cinderella Aspect. Nor was she born with a Cinderella Aspect (born 10/15/1959). She had just had a bare passing grade: one Cinderella Linkage with Prince Andrew and one Cinderella Transit when she married him. She had only these two astrological signs that she was going to be a Cinderella. Diana had seven such signs! But two were enough to let us know that Cinderella Transits and Cinderella Linkages are alive and well and are good indications of Cinderella. The Rule of the Cinderella Transit did work on Fergie because she did marry her prince when she had at least one Cinderella Transit (Venus made a MAGIcal angle to her Chiron). And Prince Andrew (born 12/19/1960) did make one Cinderella Linkage with her. His Chiron makes a MAGIcal angle to her Venus. This is a sign he could be the one to make her a Cinderella. And he did when she had a Cinderella Transit.
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