On Feb 2, 2006, the tabloids and news venues reported that Heather Locklear, the glamorous beautiful perennial TV star had filed for divorce from her husband of 11 years, Richie Sambora, lead guitarist for the rock superband Bon Jovi. According to the tabloids, Heather supposedly found emails that indicated that Richie was having an affair. We don't think that is the entire story.
Heather after all had been around the block with a rock and roll bad boy before...she'd previously been married to infamous Tommy Lee for 7 years (and in the world of rock and roll bad boys, Tommy Lee makes Richie Sambora look like an altar boy!). In other words, we think it is safe to assume that Heather has had to deal with a husband dallying in the past. We also note that Heather, while indeed being attracted to and marrying bad boy rockers, certainly never seems to have entered into any of these relationships for the 'short haul'. Most women probably couldn't handle the antics of a Tommy Lee for a few months, never mind 7 years! We think that the evidence shows that while Heather may not choose the best pool of candidates to marry ( if you're looking for the 'safe bet' in marriage, the rock and roll bad boy club might not be the place you'd want to start), she obviously takes her commitments very seriously (she lives in a world where marrying and then divorcing very shortly afterwards seems more the norm)...but Heather could have used Magi Astrology to understand that neither Tommy Lee or Richie Sambora were a good choice for her. [And to be fair, likewise she was not a good choice for them!]
Since the publication of our first book in 1995, the Magi Society has sought, as one of its primary goals, to educate the general public on how they can apply the principles of Magi Astrology to help to protect themselves from becoming involved in difficult relationships..and to more easily identify a relationship with the potential for REAL TRUE LOVE.
In 2004 we summarized what Heather or anyone else would need to know in a link to our website that reviewed Magi Astrology's 10 simple and basic principles of Love and Sex.
If Heather had learned to check the stars using these 10 Magi Astrology principles, she would have been able to see that in the end she and Richie were not 'meant' for one another.
When applying Magi Astrology's 10 simple and basic principles regarding Love and Sex, we must remind our readers, this is NOT a smorgasbord, meaning that you may not pick and choose...ALL of the principles apply, all the time.
In the case of Heather and Richie, let's look at the last three principles:
Principles Eight and Nine involve understanding how astrological Clashes work between two lovers. The more clashes one has with another person, the more incompatible the two of you are...and very simply if you form more Clashes than positive Linkages with another person, then your souls are simply not compatible and it is unlikely that you will fall in love and STAY IN LOVE.
We can though expand on this. In our published material, we have steadfastly insisted , as a central tenet of Magi Astrology that SATURN IS NOT SYMBOLICALLY A GOOD PLANET IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. Saturn even in making a LINKAGE is NOT usually what can be termed 'good' in the normal sense of the word...but Saturn in a CLASH ALIGNMENT is a clear and distinctive sign of TROUBLE, STRESS AND TURBULENCE between any two people. Period. For this reason SATURN CLASHES ARE THE VERY WORST CLASHES THAT YOU CAN HAVE WITH ANOTHER PERSON.
Saturn Clashes are so bad that even one can be too much! More than one ... well, that's the makings for a sad story down the line, almost without exception.
Aside from Saturn Clashes, CHIRON CLASHES are also EXTREMELY PROBLEMATIC. Chiron Clashes are never as actively villainous as Saturn Clashes can be...but they ARE EXTREMELY DESTABILIZING. That is because Chiron symbolizes some of the very most important and SENSITIVE issues that human beings deal with, especially within the context of MARRIAGE AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. Chiron symbolizes MARRIAGE, COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP, TRUST, DESTINY, LIFE, PUBLIC IMAGE, AND ONE'S CAREER. When you make CHIRON CLASHES with another person's chart, or when they make Chiron Clashes with your chart, it is an indication in the stars that when you mix up together, there will be trouble involving TRUST and being able to be COMMITTED to one another...this leads to TURBULENCE and most often down the line HEARTBREAK.
If Heather had known these two key pieces of information and had looked at her chart in comparison with Richie's, she would have seen:
[As a side note, no, the fact that Richie's Venus Pluto conjunction itself is conjunct Heather's Venus does not override their Chiron Clashes. It does create a SEXUAL SYNCHRONIZATION, a CLUSTER of Sexual Planets, because Venus and Pluto are both SEXUAL PLANETS...but we must keep in mind that Lust does not equal love]
Now to answer our readers, yes, Heather and Richie ALSO have ROMANTIC SUPER LINKAGES ( they did get married after all). Heather's Mercury Mars conjunction trines Richie's Chiron forming one, and Richie's Neptune trines Heather's Chiron , combining with his Venus and Pluto which oppose her Chiron to form two others.
But ROMANTIC SUPER LINKAGES are only ONE PART of the picture. Romantic Super Linkages are a sure sign that you can FALL IN LOVE with someone ( in fact, if you do not have Romantic Super Linkages the odds are very very low that you can genuinely fall in love with another person)...but they are not INSURANCE THAT YOU CAN STAY IN LOVE if you ALSO have very bad CLASHES. That is why it is so important that you master and consider ALL 10 MAGI ASTROLOGY PRINCIPLES OF LOVE AND SEX.
The CHIRON CLASHES that we have noted already spell TROUBLE, with a capital 'T'. But there are even worse clashes between them. They are:
Let's be clear ...ONE BAD SATURN CLASH is usually one clash too many over the long haul of time (we mention the long haul because you need to be careful. When you have lots of other types of astrological linkages, like Sexual Linkages and Romantic Super Linkages, most often you will not FEEL the Saturn Clashes strongly right from the start. They tend to bring trouble DOWN THE LINE, little by little over time).
Three BAD SATURN CLASHES THOUGH (or more if we consider the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint, and we would) are a CLEAR WARNING from the stars that two people are NOT truly compatible, and instead are INCOMPATIBLE.
The 10th Magi Astrology principle tells us that even if two people have COMPATIBLE charts (and we can see that Heather and Richie do not because they have far too many Chiron Clashes and Saturn Clashes), they are unlikely to find lasting happiness if they marry on a day which would be considered inauspicious using Magi Astrology. It follows then that two people with INCOMPATIBLE charts would find it just about impossible to find lasting happiness without marrying on a perfect astrological day.
Heather and Richie did NOT marry on a perfect astrological day...far from it. While we have seen far worse days to be sure, there was one crystal clear indicator that this day was not auspicious for marriage. The Sun, which symbolizes the true nature of anything begun on that day, was forming a STRESSFUL AND TURBULENT square alignment with CHIRON, which Magi Astrology (and Magi Astrology alone) has indicated symbolizes MARRIAGE, COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS AND TRUST. A stressful alignment 'negatizes' the symbols...so if a POSITIVE alignment of the Sun and Chiron is one indicator of a 'day' (Sun) for marriage/committed relationship (Chiron), then a STRESSFUL ALIGNMENT of Sun and Chiron would speak to a day that is INAUSPICIOUS for marriage. That Uranus, the planet symbolic of Change and Adventure (which is pretty anti-thetical to commitment) was also making a positive alignment to Chiron in their marriage chart was no help in terms of fostering fidelity between the two of them ( though it would, as the symbol for Fame, Popularity, and involvement in the Mass Media/Entertainment Industry have helped them where their careers were concerned. ).
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