March 16, 2002
Almost every member has a relationship they want to analyze for the purpose of predicting the most likely outcome of that relationship. This lesson is written to help you be better able to do that.
The most basic tool of Magi Astrology for analyzing a relationship is the CAC. When we use Magi Astrology to analyze the CAC, sometimes it becomes very obvious to us what will be the most likely outcome of a relationship. For example, we know that Cinderella Linkages are the most reliable astrological sign that love can develop. We also know that strong Clashes, especially Saturn Clashes, are signs of major incompatibility and great stress in any relationship. Therefore, we know that if two persons think they are in love and their CAC has several Cinderella Linkages and there are no strong Clashes, the couple has a good chance of staying together. Another easy one is if two persons think they are in love and their CAC has several Sexual Linkages as well as strong Clashes, but they have no Cinderella Linkages. Then we can safely surmise that the two persons are not really in love but are instead actually in lust, and their relationship is not likely to blossom into love because they have no Cinderella Linkages. We can also safely assume that sooner or later, their strong Clashes will overpower their sexual attraction and the relationship will break.
Those are examples of the easy cases on how to use the CAC to predict the most likely outcome of a relationship. But quite often the CAC gives us what some members refer to as "conflicting signs." For example, what if two persons think they are in love, and they have both Cinderella Linkages and also strong Clashes?
At the Magi Society, we use the term MIXED SIGNALS to describe such a situation. We specifically DO NOT use the term "conflicting signs" because we believe the stars do not EVER give us contradictory signs. If you know how to read the stars, you would realize that the stars do not contradict themselves. But if you look at only one segment of a relationship, the stars can often appear to give mixed signals. In fact, if you look at just a CAC, the stars produce Mixed Signals quite often. Such Mixed Signals give rise to the most common question that our members ask of us. This question is:
When a couple's CAC has Mixed Signals, how do you make an accurate prediction for the most likely outcome of the relationship? For example, if a couple's CAC has three great Romantic Super Linkages and 5 Cinderella Linkages, but also has the Heartbreak Clash and Nuclear Clash, what is the most likely outcome of their relationship?
This lesson is written to help you to answer just such a question.
The CAC is a great tool to employ when analyzing the characteristics, intensity and details of any relationship. By studying the CAC, you can attain a deep understanding of the relationship. You can do this by analyzing the interaspects because each one has a meaning. When you study all of the Linkages and Clashes, you can gain an amazingly deep insight into the relationship. For example:
· Is it lust or love? In other words, how romantic is the attachment as opposed to how sexual is it?
· Can you help each other, encourage each other and can you trust each other?
· Can you communicate with each other or do you have trouble understanding one another?
· Can you make money together?
And much, much more.
In fact, most of the time, an analysis of just the CAC will even give us a clear picture of what will be the most likely outcome of the relationship. This is because normally, the Linkages and Clashes, and the Planetary Geometry in the CAC, give us a clear answer as to the future of the relationship. But a CAC can give mixed signals and if you are not an expert at the analysis of CACs, you can end up with an ambiguous answer. When this happens, the best thing to do is to look beyond the CAC and look closely at the COMPANIONSHIP CHART, which is the chart of the day two persons first meet.
(The Companionship Chart is the chart of the day two persons first TOUCH physically, either skin to skin or even through clothing, so it can be anything from a handshake to holding hands to wrapping an arm around a waist, or even a pat on the back, etc. But it is the first physical touch that determines the Companionship Chart. If you first "meet" someone on the Internet or on the phone, you have not yet formed a Companionship Chart because you have not yet touched. You would instead have a Distant Relationship Chart. If you just laid eyes on each other but never touched, you did not yet form a Companionship Chart.)
If you make love to someone, then you would create a LOVE CHART and the Love Chart is the chart of the day you were first intimate.
The Companionship Chart, the Distant Relationship Chart, and the Love Chart are all examples of relationship charts.
Depending on how far a relationship has advanced, the Ruling Chart of the relationship could be the Distant Relationship Chart, the Companionship Chart or the Love Chart. Whichever one of these three charts is the Ruling Chart of a relationship, that chart is referred to as the Ruling Relationship Chart.
Understanding what we just wrote is so important we will reword it to make sure you understand everything we just wrote.
Many of our members joined us in part because they wanted to be able to better understand relationships. When analyzing their relationships, most of our members focus their attention only on the CACs that they form with the persons they are interested in analyzing. But the CAC is only a part of the picture. CACs are extremely helpful in understanding any relationship but the RULING RELATIONSHIP CHART is often equally important.
Let us explain what we mean by the Ruling Relationship Chart.
As explained in our Love and Money book, the chart of the day two people physically first meet is their Companionship Chart. That chart is the chart of their relationship until something further develops. If they make love, then the chart of the day they make love is their Love Chart and the Love Chart becomes more important to their relationship than their Companionship Chart. If the couple get married, the chart of the day they marry becomes their Marriage Chart and the Marriage Chart then becomes the most important chart in their relationship and is their Ruling Relationship Chart.
The Companionship Chart, the Love Chart and the Marriage Chart are all RELATIONSHIP CHARTS. Depending on how far the relationship has progressed, one of these three charts is the RULING Relationship Chart. If two people are not married and never made love, their Companionship Chart is the Ruling Relationship Chart. Once two person make love or get married, then their Ruling Relationship Chart would be their Love Chart or Marriage Chart depending on whether or not they got married.
Here is a secret of Magi Astrology we did not yet reveal. If a couple get divorced, the day of their divorce is their Divorce Chart and that becomes their Ruling Relationship Chart.
Whatever chart is the Ruling Relationship Chart, that chart is the chart of the relationship. This means that whenever you examine any relationship, you should not only analyze the CAC but also the Ruling Relationship Chart. The aspects that exist in the Ruling Relationship Chart will usually tell you how the relationship will go. For example, if there is a Heartbreak Clash in the Ruling Relationship Chart, it means the relationship will most likely end in heartbreak.
The Companionship Chart is the chart of the day you first meet anyone. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS GIVE A GREAT DEAL OF WEIGHT TO THE COMPANIONSHIP CHART. Even if the Companionship Chart is not the Ruling Relationship Chart, you should give a lot of weight to the Companionship Chart. This is because the Companionship Chart is a remarkably reliable tool for helping you to forecast the nature of EACH AND EVERY FUTURE STAGE OF THE RELATIONSHIP and the most likely outcome overall.
The reason for this is the Companionship Chart tells you what transits the two persons were having when they first met.
When you analyze a Companionship Chart, you should not only analyze the chart itself, but also use it to help you study the TRANSITS AT THE TIME OF THE FIRST MEETING. For example, if you were investigating one of your own relationships, by creating a CAC of the Companionship Chart to your own natal chart, you would be able to check the transits that you had on the day you first met that person. Obviously, if you were having a Heartbreak Transit on the day you met the person, the stars were giving you a sign that the relationship would end in Heartbreak. If you were having a Cinderella Transit, it means the person you met could be your soulmate. If you have both a Cinderella Transit and a Heartbreak Transit when you meet someone, the stars are giving you a sign you could fall in love but the ultimate result is a heartbreak.
In this lesson, we will help you to better understand how to utilize the Companionship Chart by using a super famous couple as our example. But first, we need to lay more groundwork and improve your ability to analyze the Companionship Chart itself.
The Companionship Chart will normally clarify any Mixed Signals given by a CAC.
In our books and websites, we have always explained that the Companionship Chart is crucial because it helps you to know your transits when you meet someone. Unfortunately, some of our members have come to the misconception that the Companionship Chart is not all that important because the Magi Society does not often include it when analyzing a love union in our books and on our websites. But the reason we rarely include a Companionship Chart is not because it is not important. It is because we rarely know the exact day two persons meet for the first time.
Unless you are an expert (i.e. Certified Magi Astrologer) it is never okay to analyze only the CAC even as a shortcut to determining the most likely outcome of a relationship. This is because with just the CAC, you cannot study the transits. Always keep in mind that the transits when you meet someone are crucial and that we wrote:
What this means is that if you are not having a Cinderella Transit when you meet someone, the chances are pretty high that the person you met is not your soulmate, no matter how many great the Linkages there are in your CAC.
The value of the information gained through analyzing the Companionship Chart cannot be overstated. Although the CAC is very important, it is missing a piece of the puzzle. Almost always, the Companionship Chart gives us the missing piece (the transits at the time of the first meeting) and helps us to know the most likely outcome of the relationship.
Let us repeat what we have said in another way.
In the past, when dealing with the astrology of love and a couple, because we rarely know the day two persons meet, we have focused our attention on their CAC and their Marriage Chart.
A CAC tells us about how romantically attached two people are, how sexually attracted two people are, how compatible two people are and in what ways they are compatible and incompatible. But only Certified Magi Astrologers are fully qualified to analyze just the CAC and accurately forecast what is most likely to happen to the relationship. Everyone else must include the study of the Companionship Chart. So we are now going to teach you the basics of how to analyze a Companionship Chart.
As an example of just how to analyze a Companionship Chart, we will provide below a step-by-step analysis of one of the most famous and turbulent relationships of recent times.
It is said that before Madonna met Sean Penn, the Material Girl simply used men to help her get ahead in her own career. Supposedly, Madonna had been intimate with hundreds of men, and simply threw them away afterwards. That is why some tabloids refer to Madonna as the man-eater. So what made Sean Penn different for Madonna and why was Sean the only man Madonna fell for during her first 20 years of womanhood? The answers are always in the stars and a good portion of the answer is in the CAC that they form. Madonna was born August 16, 1958 and Sean was born August 17, 1960. For one thing, they have a Romantic Super Linkage formed by Chiron, Venus and Neptune. This is the most romantic of all Romantic Super Linkages because this one is formed by all three of the Romance Planets. They also have a whole bunch of Sexual Linkages and Madonna is a very sexual woman born with a Sexual Aspect. But when a person has had hundreds of "lovers," all these linkages are probably not a new experience. Almost certainly, other men had formed just as strong linkages with her and she still threw them away.
We think the special place Sean Penn attained in Madonna's heart is due in large part to the phenomenal strength of their Companionship Chart and the chart pointed to marriage because there were Cinderella Aspects in the chart. Madonna met Sean on January 10, 1985, about 2 PM in Hollywood. It was an amazing day astrologically. Below are the geocentric and heliocentric Magi Charts of their Ruling Relationship Chart, as created by the Duo Chart feature of the Basic Heliocentric Upgrade for the MagiSoft program.
The above charts reflect the Companionship Chart for Madonna and Sean Penn. (For people like Madonna and Sean Penn, they usually become intimate right away so their Companionship Chart is also their Love Chart, making this date even more important.) If the Companionship Chart is very strong, the resulting relationship will be stronger and better than what you would expect from the CAC. The reverse is also true.
The Madonna/Penn Companionship Chart is more than just very strong. Below is a step by step guide as to how to analyze Companionship Charts:
Most important: The geocentric chart had a Cinderella Yod. A Cinderella Yod is any yod that is formed by at least one Cinderella Aspect. If a Companionship Chart has a Cinderella Aspect, it is a very reliable sign that the relationship will result in marriage. (This makes sense and is consistent with all of Magi Astrology's principles. Magi Astrology is always consistent.) In this case there are two Cinderella Aspects, Chiron quincunx Neptune and Chiron quincunx Pluto. The interpretation of this yod is a powerful (Pluto) and obsessive (Pluto) romantic (Chiron and Neptune) relationship that is likely to lead to marriage (the two Cinderella Aspects). Another interpretation is a marriage with success and power. This yod is super charged and pushes the couple to marry.
Equally important: The heliocentric chart also has a yod but this one is a Romantic Yod, and not a Cinderella Yod. A Romantic Yod is formed whenever there is a yod and the yod contains a Romance Aspect as opposed to a Cinderella Aspect like the one they had in the geocentric sky. The heliocentric Ruling Relationship Chart of Madonna and Sean has a Romantic Yod with the Romance Aspect formed by Venus and Neptune. But this is also a Sexual Yod, since the yod also contains a Sexual Aspect (Venus and Pluto). Therefore, the Madonna/Sean Ruling Relationship Chart has a Romantic Yod that is also a Sexual Yod.
Equally Important: Madonna met Sean during a Sun-Jupiter Planetary Eclipse (a day when the Sun and Jupiter were both conjunct and parallel) in the geocentric chart (the one on the left). This is normally an astrological sign of a relationship that is blessed with forgiveness (Jupiter) and understanding (Jupiter), and is also one that is simply blessed (Jupiter).
Equally important: In the geocentric chart, there was a quintuple parallel of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Mercury and Sun in the geocentric sky. This indicates that a very famous (Jupiter and Uranus) and very long-lasting (Neptune and Jupiter/Sun) relationship and attachment can arise.
Let us repeat what we said earlier because it is so true and important:
If the Ruling Relationship Chart is very strong, the resulting relationship will be stronger and better than what you would expect from the CAC. The reverse is also true.
The Madonna/Penn Ruling Relationship Chart has a Sun-Jupiter Planetary Eclipse, a Cinderella Yod, a Romantic Yod and a Sexual Yod. It is a remarkably powerful and romantic chart with very strong sexual overtones.
No wonder the Material Girl fell in lust and love and thought she met the man of her dreams.
Most of you should have noticed that when Madonna met Sean, there were all of those wonderful aspects, BUT there was also the Heartbreak Clash Aspect. Saturn was contra-parallel Chiron.
How should we interpret this? Can all those good aspects overpower the Heartbreak Aspect?
The answer is that we are not yet ready to answer that question. We still have to look to see what transits Madonna and Sean had on the day they met. Remember what we wrote: You will meet and/or marry your soulmate during your Cinderella Time. If Madonna was in her Cinderella Time and having Cinderella Transits when she met Sean, it is a sign Sean could be her soulmate. So you need to always analyze the transits. Let us see if Madonna was in her Cinderella Time when she met Sean. Below is a CAC that shows Madonna's heliocentric transits when she met Sean. The black planets represent the positions of the planets when Madonna was born and the red planets represent the positions of the planets on the day Madonna met Sean for the first time.
(In the above CAC, we included the positions of Juno, the asteroid that represents the mistress. We advise that you should always include Juno and as you learn more about Magi Astrology, you will learn more and more reasons why you should.)
Madonna was having two Cinderella Transits in the Heliocentric Sky when she met Sean. (She was also having a Cinderella Transit in the geocentric sky; it is Chiron quincunx Neptune.) The presence of Cinderella Transits confirms that Sean could be her man and they could marry.
Having a Cinderella Transit when you meet someone is really great. One of the main reasons Madonna's Cinderella Transit on the day she met Sean is so good is it means that Madonna's natal chart makes two Cinderella Linkages to the Companionship Chart.
Make sure you understand this principle we just explained. If you are having a Cinderella Transit when you meet someone, you also form a Cinderella Linkage to the Companionship Chart. For this reason, you would feel more attached to the relationship than if you did not have a Cinderella Transit at the time you met. This is one of the reasons you are most likely to marry someone you meet during your Cinderella Time.
If you are having Cinderella Transits when you meet someone, you also form a Cinderella Linkage to the Companionship Chart. Every transit you have when you meet someone is NATALIZED and you have it forever with that person through your Companionship Chart. This means that for a love relationship, the worst transit you can have when you meet someone is the Heartbreak Transit, and Madonna ALSO had that transit when she met Sean. The transit was in the Heliocentric Sky and not in the geocentric sky. If you only look at the geocentric chart, you would miss the Heartbreak Transit. This is one reason we wrote that Heliocentric Astrology fills the last big gaping hole in your knowledge of astrology.
When we have a Heartbreak Transit on the day we meet someone, this person is NOT our soulmate even if we are also having Cinderella Transits on the same day.
Even if you have five or more Cinderella Transits and just one Heartbreak Transit -- this is not your soulmate. Do not be fooled into thinking one transit cancels out the other -- you cannot offset one Heartbreak Transit with a Cinderella Transit or any number of Cinderella Transits. (There are more ways to have Cinderella Transits than Heartbreak Transits so there will often be more Cinderella Transits than Heartbreak Transits.)
A HEARTBREAK TRANSIT is a sign of heartbreak. A Cinderella Transit is a sign of a romantic relationship. It COULD (not IS) also be a sign of your soulmate. When there are both transits at a time we meet someone, it means we are likely to experience both the romantic involvement and heartbreak. Together, a Cinderella Transit and a Heartbreak Transit are signs of a love union that will turn sour.
· Madonna had a whole bunch of good transits when she met Sean, but there was also a Heartbreak Transit.
· The Madonna/Penn Companionship Chart also has a whole bunch of great aspects, but it had a Heartbreak Clash.
From the above two crucial pieces of astrological information, we at the Magi Society would expect Heartbreak. The signs are very clear because their Companionship Chart (which is also probably their Love Chart since Madonna jumps into bed rather quickly) had a Heartbreak Clash AND Madonna was having a Heartbreak Transit at the same time. You cannot get a clearer sign than that. What it means is that in the normal course of events, Madonna and Sean would fall in love and break up in a heartbreaking way. The most heartbreaking way is to get married and divorced and they did. They were married on a horrible astrological day and were unhappy almost throughout their entire marriage. Their marriage was one big heartbreak after another.
But ---
IF MADONNA OR SEAN HAD MASTERED MAGI ASTROLOGY, THEY COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPILY MARRIED. This is because the Marriage Chart is crucial to the outcome of any marriage and Magi Astrology helps us to choose the best days to get married. Madonna married Sean on a horrible astrological day and divorced pretty quickly after a tumultuous marriage. But if they were married on a very good astrological day, we are sure they would be happily married today. Such is the power of the Marriage Chart and this is one of the reasons Magi Astrology is so incredibly valuable.
Without the benefit of Magi Astrology, we are at the mercy of the stars the way Madonna and Sean were. We will never know for sure, but the Magi Society believes that if Madonna married Sean on a day we would have chosen, they would be happily married for life. We believe this because their CAC is excellent with all the linkages they need to be happy and compatible. Also because our research and experience tell us that you CAN OVERCOME the Heartbreak Clash and Heartbreak Transit in most Companionship Chart by marrying on a nearly perfect day if your CAC is good enough (strong Cinderella Linkages and no strong Saturn Clashes).
We introduced the world to Magi Astrology in part to help the world to not be at the mercy of the stars. The signs in the stars are signs of THINGS THAT IN THE ORDINARY COURSE SHALL COME TO PASS. But this leaves a lot of room for deviation from the ordinary course. God answers prayers and obviously, Divine Intervention always changes the course of a life. We also have our own ability to change our lives by learning Magi Astrology and using it to fulfill our dreams. One way to do so is to marry on a great astrological day. In the ordinary course, only a few couples are fortunate enough to marry on a perfect astrological day. Sean Penn and Madonna were not among the fortunate ones
Madonna married Sean Penn on August 16 in 1985 (chosen because she wanted to be married on her birthday - a really dumb reason). She was having a Heartbreak Transit on that day! Below is a CAC of her Marriage Chart and her natal chart. The planets in black represent the positions of the planets when Madonna was born and the planets in red represent the positions of the planets in the geocentric sky when she married Sean.
Madonna not only had the Heartbreak Transit, she was having a Turbulent Focus Transit by Saturn, which was square to both her Sun and Chiron. Can it get any worse?
Yes, it can get worse and yes, it did. Not only was Madonna having the Heartbreak Transit, so was Sean. The only difference is that Sean's Heartbreak Transit was in the Heliocentric Sky. Below is the heliocentric CAC of the Madonna/Penn Marriage Chart with Penn's natal chart. The planets in black represent the positions of the planets when Sean Penn was born and the planets in red represent the positions of the planets in the heliocentric sky when Sean married Madonna.
Sean was also having a Heartbreak Transit on their wedding day.
If you know what you are looking for, and see all the signs given by the stars, you will usually find that the astrological signs given by the stars are usually consistent. In the case of Madonna and Sean, the stars gave four straight heartbreak signals:
Madonna and Sean first met on a day when there was a Heartbreak Clash
Madonna had a Heartbreak Transit when she first met Sean
Madonna was having a Heartbreak Transit when she married Sean
Sean was having a Heartbreak Transit when he married Madonna
If we look further, we also find that Sean was having a heartbreak transit of sorts (Venus was square his Chiron) when he first met Madonna so they both had heartbreak transits when they first met.
These are a remarkably consistent set of signs.
If you are analyzing any relationship, be sure to include the Companionship Chart whenever you know the day the two persons first met. The CAC is very valuable but it can only tell us part of the story.
There are two parts to the study of the Companionship Chart. One part concerns the aspects of the chart, and the other involves using the Companionship Chart to determine the type of transits each person was having when they met.
If a Companionship Chart has a Cinderella Aspect, it is a sign the relationship can lead to a romantic relationship or even marriage. If a Ruling Relationship Chart has a Heartbreak Clash, it is a sign the relationship will normally end in heartbreak -- this is true even if there are Cinderella Aspects in the Ruling Relationship Chart, which would then most likely mean a marriage that ends in divorce.
Cinderella Transits are the best transits and Heartbreak Transits are the worst transits to have on the day you meet anyone for a romantic union. The existence of a Heartbreak Transit on the day two people meet is a very reliable sign that the eventual outcome is heartbreak, even if there was also one or more Cinderella Transits on the day they met. But you can use Magi Astrology to overcome this "normal course" by marrying on a perfect day.
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