The Official Website For the Love Oracle®
Magi Society ®

What is attraction?

What is irresistible romantic attraction?

What is irresistible sexual attraction?

Our bodies are a bunch of organized bio-chemicals but romantic and sexual attraction have nothing to do with the biochemical composition of our bodies.

What makes someone enchanting or charming?

It is not their bio-chemicals.

Not at all!

There is instead something mystical about attraction and love, charm, charisma, and personalities.

Magi Astrology can accurately predict irresistible attraction, as well as love, friendship, loyalty -and even the willingness to sacrifice and be protective.

We sacrifice for those we love and protect them - that is not because of our bio-chemicals.

It is not bio-chemicals that make us what we are - it is our Personal Energy.

Life is a form of energy and is not just a bunch of bio-chemicals the way most scientists claim.

All of us have very powerful personal energy.

The English language does not have a word for it so for now, we will simply use the term "Personal Energy."

For some reason, our Personal Energy is strongly and directed connected to the positions of the planets when we were born.

Astrology has been the study of our Personal Energy.

Magi Astrology is the most advanced and most accurate system of astrology.

That is why Magi Astrology is the best way to understand our Personal Energy.

Unlike Tradtional Astrology which concentrates on Houses and Zodiac Signs, Magi Astrology puts emphasis on the Alignments of the Planets and Sacred Geometric Patterns, plus how Planets Are Synchronized.

To learn about the basics of Magi Astrology, you may want to download and read a free PDF copy of our third book: Magi Astrology - the Key to Success in Love and Money.   Please click here to download the book.

Did you know that astronomers discovered a couple of dozen new planets during the last twenty years? Magi Astrology knows what the new planets mean astrologically.

The LoveOracle Mobile App utilizes the principles of Magi Astrology and adds new planets so it is able to tell you everything you really need to know about how you will get along with anyone.

Even better, Magi Astrology helps you to improve any relationship.

We are confident that you will find the LoveOracle Mobile App to be wonderfully accurate and helpful. That is why we offer a 15-day 100 percent money back guarantee. This way you have no risk and you can use the LoveOracle and check out everyone you have known and learn how absolutely indispensable the LoveOracle is for everyone, especially if you are still looking for a truly Magical Partner.

You have no idea how good it can really be when you are with someone whose natal planets are magically synchronized to your own natal planets.


In every woman's life, there is a period of time reserved by the stars when she is meant to meet her very own Prince Charming, fall in love, marry and actually live happily ever after. It is during her Cinderella Time that a woman is most enchanting, desirable and intriguing. For this reason every woman should learn how to know when she is in her Cinderella Time. By studying Magi Astrology, you can learn how to recognize the times when your Cinderella Gateway opens in your own life so that you can take full advantage of it to fulfill your romantic dreams.


For thousands of years astrologers have tried unsuccessfully to find what planet rules love, marriage, children and pregnancy. One reason for these countless failed attempts is that astrologers assumed that love, marriage, etc. were ruled by a planet, but they are actually ruled by an asteroid/comet named Chiron. Chiron (pronounced keye-ron) was not even discovered until 1977. After concluding the most extensive research into the astrology of love, the Magi Society discovered that it is Chiron that rules love, marriage, children and pregnancy. This was revealed when we published our third book in March of 1999. The book taught the basic principles of Magi Astrology and how to use Chiron to accurately understand the astrology of love. At the time, some astrologers thought that Magi Astrology and our teachings about Chiron were only theories. But at this time, Magi Astrology is no longer just a theory. Since the publication of our books, the importance of Chiron and the validity of the principles of Magi Astrology have now been confirmed.

Chiron has proven itself to be the missing link in the astrology of love and marriage.

With the help of Chiron, Magi Astrology is now proven because it has successfully explained every major event in the love lives of the world's most famous celebrities since we published our third book in 1999.

In our third book Magi Astrology: the Key to Success in Love and Money we devote almost 400 pages to teach you how to use Chiron and Magi Astrology in order to answer questions such as these:

Whom will you marry?
   When will you marry?
       Is this your soulmate?
           Is this the best person for you?
               Is this your Cinderella time?

The answers have always been in the stars! Now you can finally learn the answers by mastering the principles of Magi Astrology.

Click here to learn more about the astrology of love and sex at our main website at

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LoveOracle, Magi Society ®, and Magi Astrology ® are registered trademarks of THE MAGI ASSOCIATES, INC.

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