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Magi Society Astrology Lessons
for 2nd Year Members


March 16, 2002


Thank you for joining the Magi Society for at least a second year.  The Board of Governors of the Magi Society appreciates all of you for your continued interest in Magi Astrology and thank you for your support of the Magi Society.


The lessons that were provided to you for the first year of membership were written to introduce you to some of the very powerful and unique capabilities of Magi Astrology.  Some of you were able to grasp the principles revealed in the lessons quickly and immediately apply the knowledge to your astrological analysis.  But we understand and expect that most of you need more details and instruction before you are able to fully understand and utilize the new knowledge introduced in those lessons.  Therefore, the lessons for the second year of membership are formulated with more details to help all of you to more fully understand all of the principles of Magi Astrology that we have already introduced.  In addition, we will also reveal and teach more secrets of Magi Astrology that have never been published.  Our goal is to help you to master the principles of Magi Astrology well enough to make use of them to improve your own lives and guide others.  With Magi Astrology, you have a much better chance of fulfilling your dreams.


Before we begin with the Magi Astrology Lessons for the second year of membership, we would like to clarify some of the Magi principles that seem to have been hardest for our members to grasp.  We are doing this to enable you to possess a better fundamental understanding of Magi Astrology so that you will all have a firmer foundation and get the most out of the upcoming lessons.





Some members have expressed that there is some confusion in their minds about Saturn interaspects.  We believe the reason for this confusion is that Saturn is different from any other planet.  Here are the precise rules on how to deal with them.


You should view the following Saturn interaspects as very bad Clashes:







This leaves only three angles of interaspects left to deal with.  They are:






You should view the above three Saturn interaspects as Saturn Linkages, and not just as Linkages.  It is important to always keep in mind that Saturn Linkages are different from all other linkages.  Normal Linkages are signs of cooperation, compatibility and/or romantic and/or sexual interest depending on the actual planets involved in forming the Linkage.  But the characteristics of Saturn Linkages are not cooperation or compatibility, nor romantic interest.  Instead, Saturn Linkages are signs of control where the Saturn Person has a noticeable degree of control over the other person (the Passive Person).  


Saturn is the only planet that acts in the above ways.  For all other planets, the general principles of Magi Astrology apply.  These rules are:


Linkages are formed by the following angles:








Clashes are formed by these two angles:





When an interaspect is formed by any two planets (except Saturn), the Linkage is a sign of attraction, compatibility, being on the same wave length and ease in the relationship, while a Clash is a sign of stress, aversion and being on different wave lengths.  The degree of stress or compatibility depends on the actual two planets that form the interaspect.


There are a few odd interaspects that have the characteristics of both the Linkage and the Clash.  (For example the Venus-Chiron Clash.)  But there are very few of them and our Interpretation Upgrades for the MagiSoft program provide accurate interpretations of all of these exceptions, as well as all other important Linkages and Clashes, so we will not go into them on this website.


You may click on the links below for the lessons that are already posted.  When all the lessons are posted, there will be a total of six new lessons and they will be lesson 7 through 12.

The first six lessons were given to you in the First Year Members Site.

[ Lesson 7 ]

[ Lesson 8 ]

[ Lesson 9 ]

[ Lesson 10 ]
(posted June 1, 2003)

[ Lesson 11 ]
(posted June 15, 2003)

[ Lesson 12 ]
(posted May 20, 2004)

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